MPES designs, manufactures, and tests lab/pilot or industrial scale specialized mineral processing equipment.
The equipment manufacturing is highly demanded by the size reduction industry. In this scope, MPES has manufactured, lab scale drop weight testers, pilot scale SAG and ball mills.
MPES is also in the manufacturing stage of a pilot scale HPGR which has been designed, modelled, and optimized by MPES within the scope of a project that was granted by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey.
MPES is currently working on the detailed design of industrial level ball mill (2.5x4.25 meter) and agglomerator (3x10 meter).

MPES Mühendislik 2022 yılı ortasında hak kazandığı 3220130 nolu TÜBİTAK 1501 SANAYİ AR-GE PROJELERİ DESTEKLEME PROGRAMI kapsamında “Pilot Ölçekli (1 ton/saat) Yüksek Basınçlı Merdaneli Kırıcı (HPGR) Yapımı” projesinde sona gelindi. 13 ay süren projede temel ve detay tasarım MPES Mühendislik tarafından, üretim ise ANMAK Mühendislik tarafından gerçekleştirildi.